Monday, January 26, 2009

Year 4 Unit of Inquiry musical connection - Activity Day

In music class we will work with Year 4 children on a musical connection to their UOI. Their Central Idea for the next half of term is "Understanding the properties of materials is essential when designing structures". Our musical connection is to talk about musical instruments. Our questions will be:
  • how the choice of a material influences the sound of musical instruments
  • evolution of instruments in historical context
  • influence of tecnology on the evolution of musical instruments
  • traditional musical instruments are made of materials found in a specific geographical area

One of the most important instruments we will speak about is the flute, as flute type instruments exist in most areas of the world, and historically there is a straight evolution from renaissance flute to modern. To enrich the children's experience we will have an in-school activity day on the 3rd of February, Tuesday. An expert will come for a presentation of flutes and then an instrument making workshop will take place, where all children will make their own flute.

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