Friday, May 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New song accompaniments for Year 5

"BB Blues" and "A bit more time" from page 7 and "Thinking" from page 8.

Year 6 accompaniment

"Got the EBGB's" accompaniment with practice tempo and performance tempo. When you can play well with the slow speed, start to practice with the performance tempo.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Year 6 song Night Light

The accompaniment for the song on page 19.

Friday, March 13, 2009

4B workshop in Gulbenkian

We have participated in the workshop "Water sonorities" where children created a short piece using their voices and electronics to illustrate a picture of their choice. First we have looked at compositions related to water. Based on their previous knowledge on water, children have created a wordbank of related words and tried to illustrate them with their voices. Then each group have choosen a photograph and created a graphic score to illustrate it. Finally, after a short rehearsal recorded the performance.
Thank you Mr.Lamaison and Mr.Costa!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Year 5 song Glory B!

The accompaniment for your song from page 6.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Rhythm session

Practice your rhythm excercises with the music! If you don't have difficulty with the first excercise, you can start clapping the following ones.

There will be new excercises added soon!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Year 1 percussion ensemble recording

The music sheet in the post below came to life by a group of 1C students.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Year 1 percussion ensemble

Year 1 students just started their percussion ensemble work. This is a very important part of the music curriculum, where we address three content areas: performing, creating and notation. Together as a group we compose a simple pattern in four beats, then using graphic notation we record our work. Then children practice their performance. Parents can help by asking their children to explain the meaning of each element on the music sheet. Ask your child to show what he/she is playing. We are planning to present the result of this work in an assembly.

Year 5 play along video

Remember: the best rock recorder player contest is coming!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Year 2 music listening classes

Now that children can recognize some music styles, we are working on trying to remember specific music pieces. We were using Walt Disney Fantasia 2000 DVD to connect music pieces to stories and images to help in the recognition process. The music pieces include:
  • Beethoven: 5th symphony, first mov.
  • Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue
  • Shostakovitch: Piano Concerto Nº2, Allegro
  • Saint-Saens: Carnival of Animals, Finale
  • Stravinsky: Fire Bird Suite

We have also tried to make up stories based on other music pieces. You can help your child by asking him/her to come up with a story while listening classical music.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

3L performance in the Gulbenkian

This story inspired by the current Unit of Inquiry "Habitats" was written by the class and sent to Gulbenkian last week. Today the children composed and performed this music piece to illustrate their story, with the help of Prof. Francisco.

Flute making with Year 4

We all had a wonderful day, where children have learnt about music, history, maths and science. Mr Armin Pircher was our guest performer.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Year 1 Unit of Inquiry musical connection

Children are learning about their senses. In music class we are investigating the properties of sound. We learn about resonation and amplification. Children practice recognizing different sounds, sounds of nature, and musical sounds as well. We use recordings and music software too.

Year 4 Unit of Inquiry musical connection - Activity Day

In music class we will work with Year 4 children on a musical connection to their UOI. Their Central Idea for the next half of term is "Understanding the properties of materials is essential when designing structures". Our musical connection is to talk about musical instruments. Our questions will be:
  • how the choice of a material influences the sound of musical instruments
  • evolution of instruments in historical context
  • influence of tecnology on the evolution of musical instruments
  • traditional musical instruments are made of materials found in a specific geographical area

One of the most important instruments we will speak about is the flute, as flute type instruments exist in most areas of the world, and historically there is a straight evolution from renaissance flute to modern. To enrich the children's experience we will have an in-school activity day on the 3rd of February, Tuesday. An expert will come for a presentation of flutes and then an instrument making workshop will take place, where all children will make their own flute.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Music field trips to Gulbankian Foundation

We will start our annual visits to Gulbenkian for several music activities. For Nursery to Year 2 classes our visit is called "Despertar para a Música" where children will have a hands on experience with musical instruments. For Year 3 our workshop is called "Vamos inventar um concerto". Year 4 children will participate in a workshop named "Sonoridades aquáticas" connected to their past Unit of Inquiry. Finally, Year 5 classes will participate in "Viagem ao mundo do Jazz".
For more information see

Monday, January 12, 2009

K1 lyrics for assembly

One light, one, sun, One sun lighting ev'ry one.
One world turning, One world turning ev'ry one.

One world, one home, One world home for everyone.
One dream, one song, One song heard by everyone.

One love, one heart, One heart warming everyone.
One hope, one joy, One love filling everyone.

Year 6 recorder pieces for Term II

Print the music sheets and keep them in your music folders.

Year 5 recorder pieces for Term II

These are the music pieces to learn during this term. Download the sheets, print them and keep them in your folders.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

JS Concert

Congratulations to all for a great performance!

If you have lost your Programme, download it here!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Holiday homework

Year 5 and 6 students, download your recorder excercises here!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Question of the month - answer

The correct answer was: Antonio Vivaldi, who lived in Venice - a city built on water!
Congratulations to Daire, Diego and Colette for answering correctly!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas songs

We will start our preparation for our JS Concert: Celebrations around the World. Each class will sing a song alone, and we will have a final piece where we all join in. Make sure, you learn your part!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Question of the month - November

Click on "comentários" and write your answer. This is an excellent way to improve your research skills. Make sure, you put your name too, so that I can see who got the right answer!

He was a composer of the Baroque period. He composed about 300 concertos for different instruments for his students to perform. He lived most of his life in a very special city, built on water. He died in Vienna. Who is he?

Recorder fingering chart

Year 5 and 6 students, use the interactive fingering chart, when you study your recorder pieces.
You can play the other music games available on that page. The link is placed at the right side of the page, under musical games.


If you have trouble buying a recorder (flauta de bísel in portuguese) you can try at this shop in Lisbon. They also sell online. I prefer baroque fingering.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Notation resource

If you need help, as a reminder two posters from the music room.

If you have questions related to music reading, this is a great resource. Year 5 and 6 make sure you read it!,M1

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Question of the month - October

The right answer was: Franz Jospeh Haydn. He composed the Austrian anthem, later adapted in Germany as national anthem.

Year 1

Children are working hard on their song repertoire. Parents can help by practicing the words at home. These are the planned songs for this term.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Year 2

Children are learning their songs related to the current Unit of Inquiry. Parents can help to practice the lyrics.

During the whole class lessons we are are listening different types of music pieces. After a few weeks practice children are able to find out what type of music they hear.
The music styles are:

  • Children's song
  • Classical music
  • Blues
  • Samba
  • Flamenco
  • Tango (as a special request from Martinho)

We have started to do some rhythm excercises using percussion instruments where children are working in 3-4 groups.

Year 3

We are talking about the traditional notation system. Children are able to locate the lines and spaces on the music staff. They can read and write long and short music notes.

Year 4

Children will continue to gain more knowledge about notation. We reviewed the music notes G, A and B and studied a new note: F.
About rhythmic notation we looked at the expressions bar, barline and double-barline. They should be able to clap simple rhythmic phrases with long and short notes.
Both classes have practiced their song for this week's sharing - it was the first time Year 4 presented part-singing.
We already discussed the process of measuring time in music. Children are able to recognize and use music notes with 2 beats, 1 beat and half a beat.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Year 5

Since the beginning of the year we are looking at musical elements. This is a good way to resume everything we have studied in the past two years. First we have talked about Structure (organizations of sounds, form) then Duration (length of sounds and silences) and now Pitch. (how high or low a note sounds)
Children should practice note reading - see musical games - to be ready to start playing the recorder fom November.

Year 6

We try to contribute to the current Unit of Inquiry "Vote for me!" by looking for relationships between Politics and Music. We have found a lot of connections already.
Now we are listening and analysing national anthems.
Remember to visit the website and